
Our standard office hours are Tuesday and Thursday, 9:00am to 1:00pm.

Contact Us

Vicar: Rev'd Peter Jenkins (

Parish Administrator: Melody Nightingale


Office Phone: (09) 425 8054 

Physical/Postal Address: 43 Percy St, Warkworth 0910

Pastoral Care: If you need prayer or wish to speak with someone, you are very welcome to contact our Vicar Peter ( or 09 425 0065).

Prayer Chain - as a church, we believe that God hears and responds to our prayers.  If you wish to place a prayer request for yourself or others, please email us at  All prayers are confidential.

You can find a selection of prayers that may be helpful to you at the bottom of Prayer and Pastoral Care.

Pastoral Care Team -  if you or someone you know is unable to attend Church, our Pastoral Care Team is able to visit instead so please contact Rev'd Lisa Guthrie at

Abuse and Harassment are NEVER OK

The Anglican Church has a confidential procedure to handle concerns or complaints about people in ministry.  The Anglican Bishops of New Zealand have stated clearly that all such complaints will be taken seriously.  Further, they state that any form of harassment or abuse is unacceptable to the Church.  Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.

Complaints about bullying

Ripples is an independent complaint process provider.  The Ripples team works with the Diocese in managing our complaints process. Contact them to make a complaint or seek guidance. This service is available 9am - 5pm weekdays and is free and confidential.  If you experience or witness bullying, harassment, discrimination, abuse or any other inappropriate behaviour, we can help you:

Ministry Standards

If you’ve experienced inappropriate behaviour from a minister or other office-holder of the Church, you can make a complaint to the Ministry Standards Commission by contacting the Registrar at: or by writing to Ministry Standards Registrar, c/o PO Box 87188, Meadowbank, Auckland 1742 or you can phone 0800 004 031

Find out more at