News and Events


Sunday's services (8 September):

   9am   Snells Beach Community Church;

9:30am Christ Church, Warkworth;

9:30am St Leonard’s, Matakana (Explorer Kids).

Margaret Cross

Margaret Cross passed away last Sunday (the first day of Spring) at 97 years of age.  Though resident for the last few years at Maygrove in Orewa, Margaret’s home was Warkworth where she was such a strong part of the community and had been deeply involved for so long, being awarded the NZ Order of Merit for her years of service.  A woman of real faith, Margaret’s commitment and service extended to this Parish of which she was a faithful member.  May she rest in peace and rise in glory.  

Guess Who’s Coming to Lunch

Our Parish lunch with a difference, Guess Who’s Coming to Lunch is happening on Sunday 29 Sept!  Sign-up sheets are now available at the back of the church.  You can sign-up to be either a HOST or GUEST, or you can email the Office to register.  (Hosts should indicate how many people they can host.) 

Phone Book Update

This week you will have received an email from the Office with the contact information we have for you.  Please confirm or correct these details and also let us know if you are happy to be in the Phone Book (if you don’t, we can’t include you).  If you didn’t receive an email, then please contact the Office to make sure we have your details.

In other news…

What's Happening


Arts4Kids is a free after-school arts program for kids ages 5 to 10.  Run in Warkworth and Matakana during Term time, Arts4Kids is a fun afternoon of activity and creativity.  For more information, contact Nina at  

Explorer Kids

Explorer Kids is a fun Sunday morning program of songs, games, teaching and activities for children ages 5 to 10.  Explorer Kids is held in term time: twice a month at the 10am service in Warkworth (on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month) and twice a month at the 9.30am service in Matakana (on the 2nd and 4th  Sundays of the month).

Alpha is a course designed to explore the basics of Christian belief in an engaging way and which allows for people’s questions.  You don’t have to be new to faith, anyone who wants to explore Christianity more can come along.

We have a new course starting in August 2024.  It will meet on a Thursday evening from 6.30pm and dinner will be provided.  If you are interested in coming along, please contact us at 

Selwyn Centre

Friendship and support for older people

An activities programme for retired senior people which meets Mondays at the Warkworth Parish Hall from 9:30am to midday.  Cost is $3.00.  All are welcome to come along for a morning of fun and fitness and new members are especially welcome.

Please contact the Office for more information on 09 425 8054 or

Warkworth Christian Foodlink

Along with the local Mahu Hope, Methodist and Catholic churches our Parish is a part of the Warkworth Christian Foodlink scheme, providing food and support to the food bank run by Mahu Vision Community Trust.  

Each Sunday at our Warkworth church we collect food to donate to Foodlink.  Meanwhile, a 24/7 food donation bin is now located at the St Leonard's OpShop.  

All goods go to the Foodlink food bank for distribution around our district.

Faith & Friendship

Come and join us at Faith & Friendship, for a time of Bible study & fellowship.

In the Parish Hall at Warkworth - every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month.
Warkworth - 10:30am, immediatly after the Wednesday Christ Church Eucharist.