About Us
Who we are
The Warkworth Anglican Parish has been part of the communities of Warkworth, Rodney, Mahurangi, Matakana and Leigh for over 150 years. We are people from all walks of life living in these communities who have been drawn together by the love of God and the desire to follow Jesus. You might simply say that we are Jesus people: it is Jesus who brings us together and it is his love and his grace that inspires us.
As a Church, we aspire to be:
a place of faith;
a place of belonging;
a place of growing;
a place of going.
As with all Christians, we believe that we are called to join with God in his mission and outreach to his world. In particular, we understand that our mission is: to proclaim the good news of God’s Kingdom; to make disciples; to work for justice and peace; to care for creation; and to strive for reconciliation and healing in a broken world.
Our vision is simple, it is to share the Love of God. You can read more about what we believe below.
What we believe
We believe in a living God who we can actually know because he has come to us in Jesus, and in Jesus has made a way for us to be with Him. This is what we call the Good News: that God loves us with a deep, unconditional, unyielding love AND that we, any of us, can receive and share in that love.
How do we describe our faith?
Our Belief
“God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God” (1 John 4:16)
Our belief is in one God, our Creator, Redeemer and Life-giver. He is love and is the source of all life. We believe that God has:
Created a great world and also men and women reflecting his nature, making them responsible for taking care of his creation;
Come to us in Jesus Christ, to rescue us from the mess we make of life, reconciling us to God and providing us with a new life by sacrificing his;
Given us his Holy Spirit to help us to live this new life, and to be co-workers with God in mending and healing our broken, hurting world.
The Bible promises that this new life which we have in Jesus and through the Holy Spirit will be an eternal, resurrection life.
Our Life as Christians
“Love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:12)
Jesus calls us to follow him and start living this new eternal life now by:
Loving and caring for all people, treating them as we would want them to treat us;
Forgiving those who wrong us, just as we have been forgiven, and so breaking the cycle of hurt, resentment and bitterness;
Worshiping God, with whom we can now have relationship and in whom we find our life and being;
Cultivating the fruit of the Holy Spirit who is living within us – that is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self-control – and releasing that fruit to bless others.
Our Purpose
“Your kingdom come, your will be done here on earth as in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10)
This is our assignment, our mission, it is to work with God to help to bring the reality of God’s kingdom in heaven here to earth. We are Christ’s body on earth today – his heart, his voice, his hands – and so it is for us to say what he would say and (more importantly) do what he would do.
Our Belonging in the Church
“Where two or three gather in my name, I am with them.” (Matthew 18:20)
The Christian life is not something we are meant to do alone; rather it has always been God’s intention that we will do it with others – that is what it means to be part of a church. The Church is a community of faith with Jesus as our head and includes anyone who has been baptised.
As a local church we gather each week to:
Worship, expressing our love for God and enjoying his presence with us;
Care for one another: we call this fellowship – it is the friends we make and the love and support we give each other; and
Grow as disciples of Jesus, learning more about him and about following him.
We are still Church when we return home to our neighbourhoods, workplaces, communities and friends. In fact, it is here that we are most of all meant to be God’s messengers of love. It is all of our jobs, because the work of the Church is the work of all its members.
This is our faith.
Our faith is based on God’s unique revelation of himself in his Son Jesus. We believe that the Bible is the witness to this revelation; we call it Holy Scripture because its authors were inspired by the Holy Spirit and because through it God continues to teach and speak his Word to the Church today. The Bible teaches us the truth about God and ourselves, and how we can be saved through Jesus. We confess our belief in God in accordance with those ancient statements of Christian faith: the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed.
If you want to understand more about what the Anglican Church believes, you can look at this catechism, which is an explanation of basic Christian beliefs.