From the Vicar

Sunday 2 February

It is said that the most common holiday celebrated across the globe (not including religious festivals) is nations celebrating their independence from the British!  Most famous of these would be the American 4th of July holiday but, even for those countries which didn’t once know British rule, national days frequently celebrate violent revolutions (as with France’s Bastille Day) or the end of brutal civil wars (as with the National Day of the People’s Republic of China).  That this is so may speak to our globe’s history of empires, tyranny and conflict.  But it is also a reminder how rare is our own national celebration of Waitangi Day.  Here we don’t celebrate bloodshed, defeat or conquest but rather a coming together through the signing of a treaty.  This is something of which I think all New Zealanders should be proud.

That is not to say it has all been plain sailing.  We know that in the years since the Treaty has been ignored, breached, forgotten and fought over.  Yet still today the Treaty exerts a powerful influence on New Zealand, even as we continue to debate it.  This year one such debate is ongoing.  I am not going to attempt to leap into that debate (I am far too unqualified and there is more nuance in the question than can be expressed in a brief note) but I did want to speak to why, as Anglicans, we have a longstanding commitment to remembering and seeking to honour the Treaty.

The first reason is because our Church was, from the very beginning, deeply involved in the Treaty itself coming into being.  As former Archbishop Sir David Moxon once explained:  

Members of this Church translated, preached and facilitated chiefly signatures in 1840.  The Church’s own Bible literacy programme provides some of the linguistic background to the concepts of the Treaty document itself, particularly as The Reverend Henry Williams presented them in the Maori version.

But that is not the only reason.  For just as the language of Te Tiriti O Waitangi drew on biblical and gospel concepts, so we as Christians today must ourselves be guided by the Gospel.  Lest we forget, the good news of Jesus includes the news of his reconciling work for all humanity.  This is why part of the mission of the Church is, as our Prayer Book says, “to strive for reconciliation and healing in a broken world”.  If the signing of the Treaty gave our country the opportunity to be founded in peace, instead of violence, then we have a continuing Gospel obligation to work for the peace that the Treaty first offered.

Sunday 26 January

Hello again and a happy 2025 to you all!  It is good to be back and looking forward to all that God has for us in the months ahead.  The start of a New Year does tend to have us thinking about what lies ahead, though I know that trying to make predictions can be a mugs game.  Previous efforts include the 1966 prediction by Time magazine that technological advancements would soon mean people no longer have to work (struggling instead to fill their days of leisure).  Other predictions of that era included that the common cold would disappear by the year 2000, and that humans would start living to 150.  More recently, in 2010, a space entrepreneur claimed that private moon flights would be happening by 2020 (instead we just got covid).

Some, though, have cracked it.  In 1925 a British inventor named Archibald Montgomery Low imagined what life would be like in 2025.  Among his predictions was the advent of television, the use of mobile communication devices and the rise of wind turbines.  On the other hand, he also predicted that by now we would all be wearing one-piece felt suits and matching hats.  So maybe he just got lucky on the mobile phone and wind power things.

Nevertheless, in the spirit of Montgomery Low, I thought I would give it a go. Here then are my predictions for 2025:

Previous Posts

Sunday 22 September

It’s the sort of good news you don’t often see in the papers but earlier this year it was reported that Peace had prevailed over War.  Yes, in the semi-regular Tolstoy Cup football match between the University of Bradford’s Peace Studies Department and King’s College London’s War Studies Department the peaceniks overcame the warmongers 3-2.  The teams play in shirts marked with (in the case of Bradford) the names of famous peacemakers such as Nelson Mandela or Mother Teresa or (for King’s College) notorious conquerors such as Julius Caesar or Napoleon Bonaparte.  It was the first victory for Peace for a few years, and treasured as such.

Globally the news for peace hasn’t been as good and it might feel like peace is on a bit of a losing streak at the moment.  Conflicts such as those in the Middle East, Ukraine or Sudan seem to be getting worse, not better.  In many (though by no means all) democracies, civil discourse seems to have been overtaken by extremism or aggressive tribalism.  Threats of disorder and assassination attempts in the current US elections highlight a feeling of things coming apart.

It is against this backdrop that some of the words from James 3 (one of our readings for this Sunday) have added resonance:

For jealousy and selfishness are not God’s kind of wisdom… For wherever  there is jealousy and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and evil of every kind.  But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and the fruit of good deeds.   (Verses 15-17).

Such Godly wisdom might feel a little short in supply at the moment but it is not absent.  In our own country we might think of the legacy of the late Kiingi Tūheitia.  Among the many tributes to the Maori King’s life a constant theme was his dedication to working for kotahitanga, or unity.  This was not just about unity among Maori, for Kiingi Tūheitia spoke often about the importance of all New Zealanders working together, saying that growing together is crucial for our country.  Many of the tributes from politicians noted that, even when there were enormous differences of opinion, Kiingi Tūheitia was always respectful and welcoming, wanting to create a place where people could talk rather than simply yell at each other.  In doing so he reflected the sort of wisdom of which the Book of James speaks.  We should be grateful for his example and keep in mind verse 18, which says,  “And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness.”

Sunday 18 August

So the Olympics have finished for another four years and gosh didn’t they go well.  New Zealand of course had our best Olympics with 20 medals, including a record 10 gold!  But the whole show turned out to be a lot of fun, indeed I want to go back two weeks to tell myself to watch more of it.  As always there were the big news moments, such as Dame Lisa Carrington cementing her place as our greatest ever Olympian with another 3 golds (8 in total, plus a bronze), but there was also the joy of being able to watch athletes giving it their all on the biggest stage.

By their very nature Olympic Games are filled with stories about dedication and effort, competitors who have overcome injuries or who finally achieve success after years of trying.  But in 2024 the Olympics also had their share of stories about faith and God.  Not officially, of course; the IOC has strict rules against athletes making religious or political statements on the medal podium.  But, even so, competitors brought their faith with them.  Gymnastics superstar Simone Biles keeps a rosary in her gymnastics bag and prays before every event.  Her countrywoman Katie Ledecky (the most successful female swimmer of all time with 9 Olympic gold medals) is herself a Roman Catholic and has shared how she also prays before competitions.  

And it’s not just the Americans.  When two-time gold medal winning British swimmer Adam Peaty was denied a third, being beaten into second place by an astonishingly fine margin of 0.02 seconds, he gave an interview in which he talked of his joy with silver, saying, “I asked God to show my heart and this is my heart.”  In a later newspaper account he spoke about having mental health troubles and how the two things that saved him were his partner’s family (his father-in-law is chef Gordon Ramsay) and coming to know Jesus.  Before 16-year-old Brazilian skateboarder Rayssa Leal (who would win a bronze medal) competed she used sign-language to declare, “Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.”  After South African swimmer Tatjana Schoenmaker Smith won her fourth Olympic medal she put on a t-shirt thanking her community - the first three names listed were: God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  

There were many other examples: the German shot-putter who broke into a Gospel song at her press conference after winning gold; the Australian high jumper who talked about how her life had changed after finding Jesus; athletes from Australia, Nigeria and Portugal being filmed worshipping together; the Brazilian and Italian juokas who battled it out for bronze but afterward talked about their friendship and how one had led the other to faith.  On the world’s biggest sporting stage, Christians were not afraid to let their light shine!

Sunday 21 July

The news last Sunday afternoon of an assassination attempt against former American President Trump was, for all of us I am sure, shocking.  Though we are aware that American politics in the current era is highly divided - and divisive - that act of violence raised the prospect of it taking a much darker turn.  So it has been heartening to hear leaders in America and other nations not just condemn the shooting but also remind us that, in democracies, our disagreements and disputes should be resolved by the ballot box and not the bullet.

Yet, even so, we might also recognise the risks that political discussion and debate are becoming more extreme.  In our country this thankfully appears far from mainstream but we can still think of some corners where violent rhetoric has raised its head in the past or of current examples of extreme language being deployed.  There are no doubt many reasons for this, including the way social media can emphasize the worst parts of a debate and years of uncertainty leaving people feeling more vulnerable.  There is also a growing tendency to present political choices as moral choices, so that someone who disagrees with us is not just wrong but bad.  This can lead to what one writer has called a “spiral of hostility” as the different sides of a political debate feel justified in becoming more extreme due to the apparent extremism of their opponents.  Once again then the question for the Church is how should Christians live in such times?  Should we, like everyone else, simply pick the side we think should win and act accordingly?  Or, as citizens of heaven, are we meant to live in a different way?

The Book of Romans is the Apostle Paul’s great explanation of the good news of God’s salvation plan and the righteousness that we receive from Him.  In the 12th chapter Paul talks about the new life we have in Jesus and what this means for how we live.  In particular, the marks of this new life are meant to be humble service and loving action.  Because of the grace God has shown us, our relationships with one another can be transformed.  St. Paul then concludes the chapter in verse 21 with this exhortation, “Be not overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

We cannot control how others live or act, what their politics are or how they seek to implement them.  But we can choose to live as witnesses to the love of God and to the peace that he brings.  Whatever else happens in our world, Christians have no choice but to love our enemies, just as Jesus did for us.  In the end our priority is not meant to be political victory but sacrificial love.

Sunday 23 June

Last week, after attending a meeting in an unfamiliar part of Auckland, I was trying to find my way back to the motorway to get home.  Coming to one intersection I took the turn and, as I did so, said to myself, I’m not sure that this is the right way.  At that very moment a car pulled out in front of me with the license plate, “IM LOST”!  You might think that with such immediate divine confirmation I would have quickly reversed course.  But instead I ploughed on for two more sets of lights until it became clear even to me that I was in fact going the wrong way and at last I turned around to head in the right direction.

In our age of GPS, SatNavs, Google maps and mobile phones it would seem impossible to get lost.  But still it happens, sometimes even because of - not despite - all our gadgets.  One Shire in Western Australia has had to erect large signs telling travellers that their GPS is wrong and the road they are heading down is not the way to Perth (though people still try - and end up getting stuck).  In life too we can often find ourselves going astray.  The American Episcopal priest Barbara Brown-Taylor once wrote:

In my life, I have lost my way more times than I can count.  I have set out to be married and ended up divorced.  I have set out to be healthy and ended up sick.  I have set out to live in New England and ended up in Georgia. 

Truth is, try as we might, we will not always be able to avoid getting lost, not where we want to be or unsure of the way ahead.  But the message of the Gospel is that when we are lost we can always be found.  More to the point it is that Jesus, the Good Shepherd, comes looking for us.  Our being lost does not stop God’s work in our life.  For God will not stop looking for us, pursuing us, reaching out to us.  As Barbara Brown-Taylor went on to write, “the Bible is a great help to me… since it reminds me that God does some of God’s best work with people who are truly, seriously lost.

This coming week we mark Matariki, which for Māori heralds a time of remembrance, joy and peace.  It is, of course, also known as Māori  New Year.  We often think of a new year as a time to start afresh, to renew ourselves or make a change.  What we should remember is that in Jesus, and by his grace, we always have the opportunity for a fresh start, a new beginning, to turn around.  Knowing this, perhaps we should all have license plates that read, “IM FOUND”.  


In his book With, the writer Skye Jethani tells about the mausoleum of Galla Placidia in Ravenna, Italy.  Built in 425 A.D. by the mother of the Emperor Valentinian III, the mausoleum (actually a small chapel) is known best for its vaulted ceiling covered in mosaics of a starry sky.  On the wall above the north entrance is a depiction of Jesus as the Good Shepherd.  Together with the ceiling, this is considered one of the most artistically perfect mosaic monuments and a prime representation of late antiquity Christian art.  But, as the author Jethani writes, visitors to the mausoleum are often disappointed, for the building has only tiny windows and little light enters to brighten the mosaics.  Peering into the gloom, tourists struggle to discern the full splendour of the ceiling.  That is, until someone drops a donation into a small box on the wall.  Suddenly the mosaics are illuminated by bright spotlights.  Swirling, shimmering stars appear on a dark-blue cupola, while crowds gaze at an image of Jesus lovingly reaching out to his sheep.  A sigh escapes the watchers below as the light fades.  Jethani quotes one visitor who says, “I have never seen anything so sublime in my life! Makes you want to cry!

This Sunday, with churches around the world, we celebrate the great festival of Pentecost; the day when the Holy Spirit first came upon the disciples as they were gathered in an upper room.  And it is not merely a historical event that we are celebrating.  At Pentecost God gave the Church his Holy Spirit, and he continues to give the Spirit to us today.  But what is so significant about the coming of the Holy Spirit, so necessary for us to know?  

The Bible uses many terms to describe the person of the Holy Spirit, including that He is our comforter, counselor and guide.  The Spirit is the one who teaches us, who intercedes for us and who helps us to pray.  It is the Spirit who unites us with Jesus and it is by the Spirit that we are equipped and empowered for doing his work.  Indeed, the Holy Spirit is so essential to the Christian walk and life that we could easily teach on nothing else and still not run out of things to say.  But one way to understand what difference the Spirit makes to Christians is to think of that moment in a gloomy Roman chapel when the mosaics are suddenly illuminated to be seen in their full splendour.  For not only does the Spirit reveal God to us, but it is by his Spirit that we know the fullness and wonder of life with Jesus.  

God has given his Holy Spirit to all who believe in Jesus.  But have we turned the lights on or are we still trying to know Christ by peering through the gloom?  This Pentecost I encourage you to once again open your hearts and your lives to the Holy Spirit who is with us, and let him show you the full wonder and glory of God.

Sunday 12 May

One of the reasons to read the Psalms is because of how real they are.  If you are looking for honesty about life you will find it in the Psalms.  As much as the Psalmists speak (or sing) of joy, our delight in the Lord and the blessings which He gives us, they also talk about the struggles of life: struggles with hardship, injustice, doubt, fear and guilt.  Many of the Psalms are cries to God for help, justice, deliverance or forgiveness.  One plea in particular stands out:  in times of trial, the Psalmist is often led to plead with God “do not abandon me”.  In some Psalms it is expressed as “don’t hide from me” or “do not be far from me”.  All these phrases make the same point, the one praying can face great challenges and trials - but only if God is with them.

In the Old Testament, the presence of God was central to Israel’s identity.  During their time wandering in the desert, God directed the building of the Tabernacle so that he could dwell in their midst - literally, as the Israelites camped around the Tabernacle each night.  God’s presence at the heart of their community was the Israelites’ foundation and security.  When, in Exodus 33, God suggests that he might send the Israelites into the Promised Land while he stays at a distance, Moses pleads with him, “If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.”  Later, Israel would build a Temple to replace the Tabernacle and in the first century A.D. this remained the heart of national life and worship.

Yet, one cold night in a stable in Bethlehem all that changed.  Christ was born and no longer did people have to go to a temple to find the presence of God, for now God was dwelling among us as one of us.  Jesus is God incarnate, the glorious divine presence of God brought to us as a human.  Jesus himself would declare that, “one greater than the Temple is here” (Matthew 12).  We might therefore think that Jesus’ Ascension, which was marked this week, would be a cause for regret.  But Luke’s Gospel tells us that the disciples returned to Jerusalem with “great joy”!  Why?  As Jesus explained,  “I tell you the truth. It is better for you that I go away. If I do not go, the Helper [the Holy Spirit] will not come to you. If I go, I will send Him to you” (John 16). 

As Christians we do not have to plead for God’s presence, for He promises it to us in the gift of his Holy Spirit.  But we do need to be willing to receive it.  Just as the Israelites made space in the heart of their community for God’s dwelling place, so we must open our hearts to his indwelling Spirit.  This week we begin to look ahead to the celebration of Pentecost, the day God’s Spirit came to dwell in his people.  As we do so, let our expectant hearts be praying that powerful prayer, “come, Holy Spirit!”

Sunday 14 April

You may have seen that this past week most of North America was engrossed in the passage of a total solar eclipse across the continent.  Close to a once-in-a-lifetime event (the last one for New Zealand was in 1965, our next in 2028) solar eclipses happen because of what NASA calls a “cosmic coincidence”.  Though the Sun is about 400 times bigger than the Moon, it is also about 400 times farther away.  This makes the Sun and Moon appear almost exactly the same size in our sky, meaning that in the right circumstances the Moon can cover the Sun.

In America celebrations for the eclipse abounded, especially along “the path of totality” - those places that would experience a total eclipse where the Moon completely blocks out the Sun and darkness falls.  In New York state a retired High School science teacher fulfilled a 46-year-old promise when he held a viewing party for former students that he had first mentioned in 1978.  An American journalist wrote of travelling to his daughter’s college in Ohio to join an eclipse viewing party held on the school’s football field (the party’s unofficial motto, “eat the sun”).  When the moment of total eclipse arrived, complete darkness fell for 3 minutes: students cheered and then fell silent, someone yelled out “TOTALITY”, people nervously laughed at the incomprehensibility of it all and then cheered once more when light returned.  The journalist concluded, “We marveled at this cosmic event so singular that everyone, even professors, even bosses, agreed that you should just stop everything and look at the sky for a while.”

This experience of communal wonder was typical of many people’s comments about the eclipse.  That and a sense of awe.  One writer posted online about her feeling of powerlessness in the face of a moment unlike any other.  Such accounts reminded me of the words of another American, the poet Ralph Waldo Emerson:

If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore; and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God which had been shown!  But every night come out these envoys of beauty, and light the universe with their admonishing smile.

The book of Romans tells us that, since creation, God’s eternal power and divine nature have been seen through the things he has made (Rom 1:20).  Meanwhile the Psalms say that the heavens tell of the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of his hands (Psalm 19:1).  Wonder and awe, then, seem to be the correct response.  Maybe it’s not such a cosmic coincidence after all. 

Easter Day

Today is no ordinary day.  We are not just gathered for another Sunday, or  public holiday nor even for a special church anniversary.  No, today we celebrate and remember the event on which all history turns, the moment when the world - and our lives - were changed forever.  For today is the day of Resurrection.

The British philosopher C.E.M. Joad, a contemporary of George Bernard Shaw and Bertrand Russell (and in his time as famous as both), was once on a radio program where he was asked what person from history he would most like to meet and what would he ask them.  Joad, who was known to be a dedicated agnostic, replied that he would most like to meet Jesus and to ask him one question: “Did you or did you not rise from the dead?”  This, Joad said, was the most important question in the world.  For if Jesus is risen from the dead, it changes everything.  Towards the end of his life Joad, after years of arguing and exploring, found the answer to this most important question and, as he set out in his book Recovery of Belief, came to believe in the risen Jesus who changes everything.

This Easter Day we declare, as the Church has throughout history, that Christ is risen!  He is risen indeed!  There is no truth more world-upending, no knowledge more universe-shaping than to know that Jesus, who was crucified and died, rose from the dead.  And when we say that Jesus rose from the dead that is precisely what we mean; the Resurrection is not a metaphor, not a fable we tell so that the story of Jesus has a nice ending.  It is an actual event of history, and a present reality today.  

As a result the Resurrection is not just what we believe, it is why we believe.  For God has shown that nothing, not even death, can hold us back from knowing Him, knowing his love or knowing the new life that he brings.  It doesn’t matter our past, our failures, mistakes, or wrongs; it doesn’t matter what we carry, the pain, hurt, fears or burdens; whatever it is, God has made a way from you to him.  That way is Jesus, and Jesus is alive!  We too can know the power of Christ’s resurrection when we put our faith in him.

So today we celebrate with joy and thankfulness for all that God has done.  But the Good News of Christ’s resurrection is not just for Easter.  The story does not end there.  The life-transforming truth of Jesus risen from the dead is a daily promise and a daily call.  Well after all the hot cross buns and Easter eggs have been consumed, we should still know the joy of this morning’s cry, “Christ is risen!

He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

Christmas 2023

When writing about the very first Christmas C.S. Lewis once compared it to the turning of the ocean tide - that moment when the waters stop receding, pause and gather their strength to return.  He pictures a great stillness spreading from Bethlehem to Jerusalem, Rome, Carthage, the Nile and out into the cosmos as all creation waits in anticipation of a momentous change.  And then, with the birth of Jesus, the tide begins to rush in again: galaxies begin to tingle, constellations are shaken, heaven dances, life returns - but this time new and different, “a shiver of re-birth and deliverance on the Earth went gliding; her bonds were released.”  Meanwhile, in a stable, a child cries and cattle begin to stir.

Lewis’s poem expresses his conviction that the birth of Jesus is the decisive moment in history, the turning point of all time when every particle of matter, every moment of time is reshaped and reformed.  From that baby’s first cry, nothing will ever be the same again.

Can the birth of one child really be of such importance?  Does all of history really hang on a small stable in a forgotten corner of a long-lost empire?  As Christians we declare most unequivocally yes.  For at Bethlehem God himself enters his creation, and something new, dramatic and eternal takes place.   Now there is light in the midst of darkness.  Hope, in the place of futility.  New life instead of the finality of death.  We are not alone.  God is with us.  This is not legend or myth: it is our past, present and future.  

Do we ever fully understand what it means that, in Jesus, God came to be with us?  Almost certainly not.  But we can begin to recognise that, by coming to us in Jesus, God has crossed the divide between humanity and the divine.  We can know God because he came to us at the first Christmas and because, through Jesus, he will come to be with us again - if we are willing to ask.   

This week we celebrate the event on which all the history of our world turns.  We celebrate the day that God chose to come to be with us as one of us, so that in his love he might change our futures forever.  As we do so I pray that you would all know the joy and blessing of Christ come to be with you.  And I wish you a very Merry Christmas! 

Sunday 8 October

I have spent most of this week exclaiming, “I can’t believe it’s October already!”  In truth, I’m still getting used to it being 2023.  I suspect my surprise at the advance of the calendar is only going to increase as the year progresses towards an end, though hopefully by New Year’s I will be ready for 2024.  But realising the year is marching on only reminds me of all the things that are still yet to be done.  Where has the time gone!

When the poet John Milton (he of Paradise Lost) began to go blind in his middle age, he composed a sonnet pondering its implications.  Milton mused,  “When I consider how my light is spent…” and wondered if he would be able to give a true account for how he had used the talent he had been given.  He also worried that the loss of his sight meant that he, a prolific writer and campaigner, would have nothing more to offer.

Such is the temptation to mark our time by what we produce or achieve.  One of the things that our culture values most is productivity.  Politicians debate how to increase it, self-help books teach how we ourselves can be more productive.  I well remember working as a lawyer and recording my time in six-minute increments.  Time could be recorded as billable or non-billable but you can easily guess which category law firms preferred.  A timesheet filled with billable time gave a sense of achievement, one made up of non-billable time would usually be a cause for worry.  In fairness, it is right for employers to expect workers to use their work time productively.  But should that be the measure of how our light is spent? 

Jesus teaches that we are to be faithful, and as the Parable of the Talents showed this includes using the gifts that God gives us.  Yet he does not teach that achievement should be the measure of our faith.  When he visits two sisters it is not Martha, rushing around to get things done, but rather Mary, sitting at his feet, whom Jesus commends as having chosen the “better part”.  

In his sonnet, Milton finds that patience reminds him that, as a King, God doesn’t need our gifts.  Sometimes it is enough to “bear his mild yoke” in faithful obedience, whatever that yoke may be.  There may be those who can rush to and fro, doing many marvellous things.  But, Milton concludes, “They also serve who only stand and wait.”

Sunday 1 October

The forecast for this weekend and the following week has not been encouraging.  I feel particularly for parents, faced with the risk of another storm (or at least more rain) keeping restless kids inside just as the school holidays get underway.  Yet, while the temptation is to grumble about more bad weather, I am reminded of the example of some of you, who choose not to moan when it pours but instead be grateful for what we get whether it be sunshine or rain.

George Buttrick was a 19th century American preacher (he led New York’s Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church) and a professor of Harvard University.  He once gave the example of a lecturer speaking to a group of businessmen who held up a large sheet of paper with a single ink blot on it.  The lecturer asked the group what they saw.  They all answered, “a blot”.  While acknowledging that the question was in some ways unfair, the lecturer asked why they did not see a piece of paper - only a small part of which was stained by a blot.  Buttrick went on to write:

There is an ingratitude in human nature by which we notice the black disfigurement and forget the widespread mercy. We need to deliberately call to mind the joys of our journey. Perhaps we should try to write down the blessings of one day. We might begin: we could never end: there are not pens or paper enough in all the world. The attempt would remind us of our “vast treasure of content”.

In seasons like Lent (or indeed at any point in the year) we may focus on various spiritual disciplines like prayer, fasting, good works or study of the Scriptures.  Such rhythms of grace are important to our faith.  But let’s not forget that gratitude or thankfulness is a spiritual discipline as well.  So from time to time we might perhaps want to take a leaf from Buttrick’s book and try writing down all the blessings of the day.  After all, as Psalm 107 tells us, “Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!"

Sunday 10 September

In Shakespeare’s telling of the life of Henry V, he imagines the King rallying his troops on the morning of the Battle of Agincourt with a rousing speech.  Outnumbered by the facing French forces, Henry tells the soldiers that their deeds that day will be remembered, “to the ending of the world”.  But the King’s principal appeal is not to glory but to brotherhood:

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;

For he today that sheds his blood with me

Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,

This day shall gentle his condition…

Like so many of Shakespeare’s words, the speech and its “band of brothers” has lived on.  In the midst of the Second World War Laurence Olivier read it aloud on the radio to boost British morale.  It was quoted by Admiral Nelson prior to the Battle of the Nile, gave name to a popular miniseries and has even been used as a motivational tool for lawyers.  What is it that resonates so strongly?  There is of course the idea of fighting against overwhelming odds.  But more than that is the sense of doing so as part of a band, a team, a fellowship.  Shakespeare expresses not so much our desire for victory as our longing to belong, to be part of a community.

The British journalist Juliet Samuel recently wrote that there are almost no places of real community left; that is, places where people will gather together on a regular basis to be with one another.  Instead, she noted, we increasingly spend our time in non-places, “transient spaces such as hotel lobbies, shopping centres and motorways, where humans are alone and anonymous”.  Even in the home the hearth, around which a family would gather, has been replaced by individual screens.  Attempts to create communities online often devolve into fights about bad driving or noisy dogs.  All of this, Samuel says, has diminished us.

So it should be with confidence that we affirm what we do this morning, as on every Sunday morning: gathering together as the Body of Christ, in communion (or community) with one another and with God.  Here we are a part of something, here we have a place to belong.

Sunday 27 August

It’s perhaps an inevitable consequence of life in a western economy but most of us will, I suspect, be somewhat dubious about the bold claims that advertisements make for their products.  Will buying this shampoo truly give you a spring in your step, will owning this car really release you into a life of adventure?  Probably not.  The best we can hope for is that a product is reliable and will do what it says it will do, and even that is not always a certainty.  A certain cynicism towards the claims of marketers and ad men might be considered sensible, if not inevitable.

Some years ago, however, a British journalist with the rather wonderful name of Peregrine Worsthorne contended that adverts provide a more accurate picture of the world than the news.  His argument was this:

Advertisements suggest that aeroplanes take off and land safely and almost all of them do; that butter tastes nice, which on the whole it does; and that soap, correctly used, will wash the user, as is certainly the case… News stories tell us only of aircraft which crash, packets of butter that have unfortunately been adulterated with a deadly poison and wiped out whole families, and soap which by some unfortunate mischance turns the user’s face black.

When one considers the news’ preference for disaster, drama and discord you might think that old Peregrine was onto something.  There is the world as it is presented to be, and the world as it actually is.

This of course is the argument of faith.  Not, as some would accuse it of being, a blind refusal to face an unpleasant reality.  Nor is it simple wishful thinking.  Faith is an acknowledgment that reality is higher, broader and deeper than what we simply see or perceive.  It is the affirmation of our own experience but also the conviction that this is not the full story.  Faith says that the story of us has more to it than meets the eye.  

Part of what we do as a Church, in our worship, our liturgy, in the Word that we proclaim and the beliefs we affirm, is to both remind ourselves of and try to live out the full story of which we are a part: the story of God.  This is why we pray, this is why we sing songs of worship even in times of hardship.  It is because we are a people whose story will not end here and which will not be defined by what we go through in this world.  God is writing our story and the ending is good.

Sunday 11 June

In recent years it has been the fashion for different organisations to designate specific days of the year as the “World Day of X” as a means of highlighting their cause.  For example, in New Zealand we know that Daffodil Day supports the work of the Cancer Society, while the International Day of Children usually gets some form of official attention.  But there are many, so many, more “days” that get lost in the mix.  For instance, did you know that the Global Day of Parents was on the 1st of June (and did your children get you anything to mark it)?  Or that already this month we are supposed to have marked World Milk Day, World Bicycle Day and the International Day for the Fight Against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing!  If you happened to miss these days then this weekend offers a chance to get back on trend with World Gin Day on Saturday and the National German Chocolate Cake Day on Sunday.

Of course the Church has its own calendar of special days and one of those which the Anglican Church here records is Te Pouhere Sunday.  Te Pouhere is the name for the constitution of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia.  Coming into force in 1992 this constitution recognised that the church in our province is made up of three strands or tikanga, representing Maori, Pakeha and Polynesia.  Te Pouhere celebrates this.

There is more to this than simply legal structures and official bodies.  For, in its own way, Te Pouhere was an effort by our Church to live out the Gospel in which we believe.  A few years ago, Bishop Ross explained how:

God in Christ has reconciled us to himself and has entrusted to us the ministry of reconciliation. Those who are reconciled to God demonstrate that through reconciled human relationships. Paul writes that Christ died for all so that those who live should cease to live for themselves and should live instead for Christ. And for whom did Christ live? He lived for others. As the church we are constantly seeking to model how that is so in our relationships with one another. We seek to express it in the life we share as local communities of faith. Te Pouhere seeks to express it structurally for the life of our church as a whole.

For us at a Parish level there is often little chance to experience the fullness of our Anglican Church as represented in all three tikangas of Maori, Pakeha and Polynesia.  But it is still a part of the life of our church and this Sunday we might pause and give thanks for all those who make up the Anglican Church in this province, and for the reconciling ministry of Christ which brings us together.

Sunday 23 April

There is a lot going on this weekend, with the school holidays ending and then ANZAC Day on Tuesday.  The Church calendar is quite busy too.  Ahead of us lie more great feasts, those of Pentecost and Trinity.  But right now we remain in the middle of the season of Easter (or Paschaltide).  This is a time when we not only celebrate the Resurrection but also remember those occasions when the risen Jesus appeared to, and spent time with, his followers up until the day of his ascension.  

Amongst those encounters, including miraculous appearances in locked rooms and unprecedented hauls of fish, this Sunday’s Gospel account of two disciples meeting Jesus on the road to Emmaus might seem comparatively undramatic.  Two men walk down the road and are joined by a third, with whom they talk about the events and meaning of Easter and the Scriptures.  It is only when they stop to eat, and he breaks the bread as he did at the Last Supper, that they at last recognise their companion as Jesus himself.  

A simple encounter yet the results are dramatic.  God transforms an ordinary event into an extraordinary one and the two men, who had been walking “with sadness written across their faces”, excitedly race back to Jerusalem to tell the other disciples what happened - and to discover that those disciples have their own resurrection encounter to share.  But what resonates with me is the image of Jesus walking with the men, talking with them, teaching and ministering to them, even as they are unaware of who he is.  Even as they are unaware that Jesus is with them.  It is only later, in retrospect, that they understand: “Didn’t our hearts burn within us as he talked to us on the road…” they say.  Their eyes opened, they realise that God was with them the whole time.

I wonder how often God is with us, and we don’t recognise it.  How often He is speaking to us, ministering to us, and we don’t realise it.  Because the promise Jesus makes is that he will always be with us, “even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20).  Just because we don’t always see Him does not mean He is not there.  Perhaps we might remember those occasions when our hearts burned within us, those times when we belatedly realised that God had been with us, helping us all along.  Or perhaps we might take encouragement from two men journeying to Emmaus.  Two men who, in the middle of their discouragement and sadness, were met by the risen Christ as he walked down the road with them.    

Sunday 16 April

It says something about the unfairness of life that a man who followed Jesus as a disciple and would then go on to become a great missionary apostle, one of the first to carry the Gospel into Asia, should be known throughout history as “doubting” Thomas.  We might wonder what more a person needs to do to be considered faith-filled!

Yet there is something apt about remembering Thomas in this way.  As the writer Philip Yancey says, “Doubt always coexists with faith, for in the presence of certainty who would need faith at all?”  We therefore should be grateful for Thomas’s example, for showing us that it is possible to be faithful-doubters when we ourselves have questions or uncertainties.  We see that Thomas, despite his doubts, despite his initial unbelief in the other disciples’ report of having seen Jesus, doesn’t walk away.  Instead he persists even as he questions, continuing to meet with the other disciples in prayer.  And because he persisted he was able to encounter the risen Jesus.  In a way it was through his doubts that Thomas came to believe.

It is also encouraging to note that Jesus himself does not condemn Thomas for having doubts but rather engages with them.  By inviting Thomas to put his hands in his wounds, Jesus invites Thomas to explore the very things that he is questioning.  Yes Jesus will say that those who believe without seeing are blessed.  But it is clear that Jesus is not threatened by our questions, is not worried by our doubts.  He is happy for us to wrestle with these things, as long as we keep wrestling with him at the same time.  

Christ’s resurrection is a challenge for our faith because believing in it means we have to completely reshape our understanding of life, the universe, indeed everything.  All our former certainties are upended and we must learn to understand the world anew in the light of Easter morning.   There is risk here; as the German theologian Pannenberg points out, the problem with the Resurrection is that if you believe it happened you must change the way you live.  

No wonder we might have doubts.  No wonder vague ideas of the Resurrection as a metaphor or symbolic action might seem appealing.  But the witness of Thomas, for all his doubts and questions, is that Jesus is risen.  And life for Thomas will never be the same. 

Easter Day, 9 April

Today, in countries across the globe, in churches of all different styles, in diverse languages and tongues, millions of people will greet one another with the words, “Christ is risen!”.  And, like a rolling acclamation, the reply will resound from the Pacific, through Asia, across Africa, Europe and the Americas, “He is risen indeed, alleluia!

Few words are as central to our Christian faith, to our hope and to our lives as Christians, than the declaration, He is risen!  Here is the answer to our fears, to our failures, to the pains and shadows of life: Christ is risen!  Here is our hope for the future, for new beginnings and life everlasting: He is risen indeed!  Like a defiant shout into the chaos and darkness of our world, everything that seeks to pull us down and consign us to dust is silenced by the cry that Jesus is alive.  For in raising Jesus from the dead God has shown that nothing, not even death, can stop us from knowing Him, knowing his love or knowing the new life that he brings.  

He is risen!  Not revived, not resuscitated, not reanimated, reincarnated or reimagined – risen!  Jesus did not avoid death, he was not rescued from its grasp.  He submitted to death when it was before him.  But by the power of God’s love he was able to pass through that darkness to the dawn of resurrection and now he is risen!  No longer dead but alive, now and forevermore.  So we celebrate today because our’s is a resurrection faith.  We don’t believe in the perfectness of the church, the brilliance of theologians and priests nor even in the specialness of Christians.  But we do believe in Christ crucified and risen.  Every sermon preached by the apostles and recorded in the New Testament has the resurrection as its central theme.  For this is the very heart of the Good News of Jesus.

He is risen!  These words are as much invitation as they are proclamation.  Because in the resurrection God unveils a new world and a new life, and we are invited to share in them.  Christ’s resurrection holds within it the promise of our own.  It is the promise of the restoration of the life we were always meant to have, the life we were created for.   Christ is risen and as a result we can know new life and new beginnings in him.  

That new life begins today.  We find it in Jesus.  We find it when we open our hearts to the truth of this glorious morning and, joining with the Church universal, declare once more: He is risen indeed, alleluia!

Sunday, 19 February

Sometimes lines from the hymns or songs we sing on a Sunday morning can have a particular resonance.  This was certainly the case last Sunday, as we sang “thou rushing wind that art so strong…” while gusts buffeted the Church.  (I hope we might soon be singing again about the sun’s “golden beam”.)  It has, once more, been an extraordinary start to the year.  While fortunately most of our district has been spared the worst of Cyclone Grabrielle, I know that there was damage suffered and that parts are again underwater, recovering from more flooding or still without power.  Can I say thank you to those of you who have been checking in on neighbours and other parishioners and who have offered to help out any who need it.  It’s great to see (or hear about) the Church in action in these very simple ways.

The news from other parts of the country has been much harder, and I hope you will keep the people of the Hawkes Bay and East Cape in your prayers.  But while we by comparison have good reason to be grateful, even so, the repeated cycle of crisis that seems to be the current normal can be taxing.   So I paid particular notice when one of my daily Bible readings this week came from Proverbs 3:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own   understanding.

There is a simple truth, of which the Bible time and again seeks to remind us: we are better off putting things into God’s hands.  To the extent that we might try and master our own lives, trying to control events or focusing on our own strength and abilities, we will find ourselves tossed around by all those events we cannot control - natural disasters being one of them.  But the wisdom of Proverbs is that when we trust in God we no longer need to lean on ourselves or rely on our own strength; we can transfer everything onto God and rely on Him instead!

We know that this doesn’t mean there won’t be storms, hardships or even grief.  But in the midst of such times we can have security and comfort: the security and comfort that comes from trusting in God, in his goodness, his purposes and his love.  For these things will never fail.  And God is more than able to cope with the things that overwhelm us.  This week and every week I pray that the love and faithfulness of God may be your trust and hope.

Sunday, 12 February

Have you ever asked yourself why we not only gather on a Sunday morning for worship and fellowship but do so every single week?  Someone who had an answer was D.L. Moody, one of the great revival evangelists of the 19th century.  The story is told that Moody was invited to dinner with a prominent Chicago citizen.  As they sat around the fire and talked they began to discuss the place and role of the Church.  Moody’s host insisted that there was no need for a Christian to be part of a church.  In response Moody said nothing but instead picked up some tongs and took a blazing coal from amongst the fire.  He sat in silence, watching the coal as he held it in his tongs, his host watching too.  All too quickly the coal smouldered and went out.  “I see”, Moody’s host replied.

We are not a Church because of our old wooden buildings, nor thanks to the stained glass windows, nor our having a Vicar, nor a Prayer Book, nor even the cross on our roofs.  What makes us a Church is that we are people of Christ, who gather together in his Name, in his presence, for his purposes.  And if we were to stop gathering, then the buildings, windows, hymn books, and yes clergy could remain but the Church would not.  

It is true that just coming to church is not what saves us.  For salvation comes through our faith in and relationship with Jesus.  And yet it is not possible to divorce being a Christian from belonging to the Church, not least because the story of Jesus is also the story of His Church.  As is often said, Jesus did not build a building or write a book to be his legacy, but he did establish the Church.  What is more, the Bible makes it clear that there is nowhere for us to be part of Christ other than in his Body - which is the Church (1 Cor 12, Eph 4).  Put simply, it is in the Church that we are given Jesus.  

Gathering together is therefore about so much more than preserving our Parish.  It is because it is in the Church that God says he will encounter us and that means - though being a part of a Church can at times be annoying or frustrating - it is there that our faith can grow and our relationship with God be transformed.  Outside of it, we are like an ember left out of the fire to cool and go out.  But inside we are warmed by the flames.  As the poet John Betjeman wrote:

A fitful glow, is all the light of faith I know; 

Which sometimes goes completely out; And leaves me plunging round in doubt;  Until I will myself to go; 

And worship in God’s house below - My parish church.

Sunday, 18 December

In his short story, Smith of Wootton Major, J R R Tolkien tells of a man who discovers the long-forgotten land of Faery.  Tolkien writes that Faery was a mythical place both beautiful and fearsome in equal measure.  When Smith began to explore it he at first walked quietly among the gentler creatures of the woods and meads of fair valleys.  But as he grew bolder Smith went further: he stood beside the Sea of Windless Storm, gazed upon an untouched lake in the mountains and wandered lost in a vast grey mist until he saw the shadow of a great hill and the King’s Tree on top, its light like the sun at noon.  

Eventually Smith found a winding road through the Outer Mountains and at last he stood before the Queen of Faery herself:

She wore no crown and had no throne. She stood there in her majesty  and her glory, and all about her was a great host shimmering and glittering like the stars above; but she was taller than the points of their great spears, and upon her head there burned a white flame.

It was then, standing before the Queen, that Smith felt grieved for he remembered from his childhood how the village would place a toy figure atop a cake and called it the Queen of Faery.  In the presence of the Queen herself the memory of the toy seemed embarrassing to him.  But the Queen told him not to be ashamed, for maybe a little doll was better than no memory of her at all: “For some the only glimpse.  For some the awakening.

It would be easy to dismiss our celebration of Christmas as little more than a token.  Despite best efforts our services will fail to match either the humility of the stable where Jesus is born or the glory of the angelic choirs that greet his birth.  And even some of those who visit our churches at Christmas may think it is only a sentimental tradition.  But there is more to the story than nostalgia and carols.  On that first Christmas night in Bethlehem, heaven touched earth - for God came to be with us, as one of us.  

For many the celebration of Christmas remains only a glimpse.  But for others it can be an awakening: an awakening to the greatest love we have ever known, a love more powerful than death and which will never leave or give up on us.  I pray that you will be awakened once more this Christmas.  I pray that you might look upon the manger and open your heart to know the child who was laid in it: this Jesus who is our Saviour, Christ the Lord.  

Merry Christmas.

Sunday, 20 November

Let me start by saying congratulations!  You are not just one in a billion, you are one in eight billion.  Yes, according to the United Nations, this week the world’s population passed the eight billion mark.  Pretty impressive when you remember that a short 70 years ago there were only 2.5 billion people on earth.  If we go way back, to the Year of Our Lord (1 AD), the population of the globe was a mere 300 million people.  (Imagine how cheap house prices were then!)  But here we are in the third decade of the 21st century trying to squeeze past another 7,999,999,999 people - many of whom, it seems, are trying to get through the Hill Street intersection at the same time.

No wonder the internet is full of teenagers doing silly dances; it’s hard to stand out when 8 billion other people are trying to do the same.  But even if online fame is not your primary concern, all of us at some point wonder about the mark we are leaving on the world.  The psychologist Henry Cloud says people go through life like a ship moves through water, with each one leaving a wake behind them.  The wake which we leave is in our tasks and in our relationships: what did we accomplish and how did we deal with people?  He goes on to say that we can tell a lot about people by the wake they leave behind.  

What wake are we leaving behind in our families, our street, our workplaces or community?  Not just what have we achieved but how are we relating to people?  Do we leave people feeling loved, knowing that they are valued?  Are we adding to the frustrations and aggravations of life, or are we finding ways of adding God’s grace into the mix?  

Last Sunday’s readings, where in the gospel Jesus encouraged us to have “patient endurance” in the face of trials and tribulations, included this verse from 2 Thessalonians 3: “And as for you, brothers and sisters, never tire of doing what is good.”  It’s the Bible asking the Church (which means all of us) to keep being faithful, because God is faithful.  To go out and meet Jesus in the messiness of the world, and to be his hands and feet in amongst that mess.  It’s asking us to leave a Christ-shaped wake behind. 

Sunday, 9 October

C.S. Lewis once wrote, “There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal…”  His point was that everyone, every person we meet, is created for God’s Kingdom.  Created for eternity.  For all of us have the opportunity to share in Jesus’ resurrection.  As a result, even “the dullest and most uninteresting person you talk to” is someone who may be resurrected in the glorified splendour of Christ.  Someone whom, if we saw them now as they will be then, we would be strongly tempted to worship so great will be their glory.  This, Lewis points out, changes things.  It means that we live in a society full of people defined by what Jesus may one day make of them.  So then, he says, “It is in the light of these overwhelming possibilities, it is with the awe and the circumspection proper to them, that we should conduct all our dealings with one another, all friendships, all loves, all play, all politics.

Of course, in the midst of life and all the stresses and hassles that it brings, it’s not always easy to treat other people (especially given the stresses and hassles they can bring) with “awe and circumspection”.  One person who tried to do so was John of Kronstadt.  A nineteenth-century Russian Orthodox priest, John worked and ministered at a time when alcohol abuse was wreaking havoc amongst his community.  John would go out into the streets where, finding someone lying in a gutter in soiled clothes, he would pick them up, hold them in his arms and say to them, “This is beneath your dignity. You were meant to house the fullness of God.

You were meant to house the fullness of God.  This is the truth about our neighbours and it is the truth about us.  No matter what we may think or say about others, no matter what others may think or say about us, it does not change our true identity: we are children of the Most High God, chosen to be one of those in whom He lives and dwells, and created for eternity.  As C.S. Lewis would encourage us, we should let that truth inspire our lives.

Sunday, 20 February

As I was leading the service at Warkworth last Sunday morning the building shook and the doors blew open - I felt like an old time revivalist preacher!  Sadly, I think it had more to do with last weekend’s storm than the power of my sermon.  The storm itself certainly delivered with its whipping wind; heading out to Kaipara Flats cemetery this week I was counting the fallen branches and broken trees.  But perhaps the most striking thing about the storm was how suddenly it abated.  After all that sound and fury, Monday and Tuesday were two of the most still and perfect days we have had all summer!

I was reminded of the events of 1 King 19 when the prophet Elijah, his life threatened by Jezebel, flees to the wilderness in despair.  Sheltering on Mt Horeb he cries out to the Lord, only for God to tell him to stand on the mountain and wait for him to pass by.  A great wind is stirred up, so mighty that it breaks rocks and splits the mountain - but the Lord was not in the wind.  Then there is an earthquake - but the Lord was not in the earthquake.  And then a fire!  But the Lord was not in the fire.  Last of all there is only silence.  And it was in the silence that Elijah heard the still, small voice of God speaking to him; “What are you doing here, Elijah?”

Lest we miss it, what is important about that moment is the intimacy of the stillness.  Paradoxically, God speaks through the silence, not because his was presence was in the silence but because his presence was the silence.  God, the creator of mountains and winds and fires, steps from behind the curtain of nature to be present with Elijah.  

Our world certainly has its fair share of storms and wildfires at the moment.  In such times we can be all too focused on the storms and what God might be saying about them or even through them - because surely a worldwide pandemic, global protests or the threat of war must mean something.  And yes of course God speaks about and in the midst of such events.  But if we only ever focus on the storms - what they might mean, what others say about them, how we should interpret them - we run the risk of missing God speaking to us in the quiet of his presence.  In the midst of the storms of life, perhaps we sometimes need to turn our attention away from all the wind and fury and instead listen in the silence for the still, small voice of God who is present with us.

Sunday, 6 February (Waitangi Day)

On Waitangi Day last year two Anglican churches in Otaki came together for a special service.  The Rangiātea Pastorate Church (part of Tikanaga Maori) and the Anglican Parish of Ōtaki (part of Tikanaga Pakeha) met for worship and fellowship on a grassy field that happens to sit between the two church buildings.  You see both Ōtaki churches stand on land gifted by local iwi, Ngāti Raukawa, to The Church Missionary Society (CMS) - making it a fitting spot to celebrate Waitangi Day.  

The churches said the hope was to set about living a new story on their small patch of shared ground: one of friendship, of faith, of solidarity.  As the Rev’d Dr Rangi Nicholson, priest and Minita-ā-Iwi at Rangiatea Pastorate Church, explained it, each Waitangi Day was a chance to face squarely some of the history that had stood in the way of the dream of togetherness in Gospel mission.

Waitangi Day is a day to celebrate.  As Archbishop Philip Richardson has said, I believe ‘our’ day is a day of which we can all feel proud. I’m grateful for all the Treaty offers everyone who lives in this land. It’s a covenant based on generosity and hospitality…”  But, embedded within Waitangi, in its promises, its hopes and its failures, is also a call to work.  It’s a call to the work of acknowledgement and honouring, of repentance and restoration, of reconciliation and healing, of living a new story.  In case we forget, this is Gospel work too.  This Waitangi Day let our prayers be for this ongoing work here in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Sunday, 18 July 2021

As I commented last Sunday, it is very odd to realise that the Tokyo Olympics begin in just under a week’s time.  Where’s the hype, the build-up, the daily countdown that focuses our attention on this four yearly sports extravaganza?  We know the answer, it’s the same thing that has been cancelling flights and shutting down cities for the last 18 months.  Thanks to Covid this year’s Olympics will be held in empty stadia with few or no fans allowed.  According to recent polls most Japanese people would rather not go ahead with the Olympics - probably because they want to focus on more important things (like, again, Covid).  But it seems the power of the IOC will not be resisted; the show must go on.

It’s very easy (and probably right) to be cynical about the Olympics: the corruption of the IOC and the role of money and corporate sponsorship.  But truth be told, I do enjoy them.  It is an enjoyable and, rare for this age, somewhat unifying spectacle.  What I particularly enjoy is how, for a few short days, some of the most obscure sports seize the world stage away from football or cricket and their competitors get a chance to shine.  (We see this most winter Olympics when curling usually enjoys a brief but very intense burst of popularity.)

I still remember watching the Beijing Olympics late one night and becoming completely caught up in a particular archery competition.  As midnight approached I was gripped, willing the South Korean competitor to gold as I quickly became an expert (thanks to the commentators that is) in the interplay between aim, breathing and the all important release.  And I think that is quite wonderful.  That these athletes, who have shown extraordinary commitment and dedication to excel in their chosen sport, have this chance to be recognised and maybe even become heroes in their home countries.

Of course, most of us don’t get the chance to be an Olympian. There are no expert hosts breathlessly commentating our actions as we take out the rubbish, no crowds to cheer as we wash the dishes or visit the Post Office.  But what we do have is a Heavenly Father who doesn’t just love us but is deeply interested in us and in our lives.  “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” 1st Peter 5 says.  God cares about us - and not just the big things, but the little, daily things too.  Our delights, our disappointments, even the very ordinary.   Remember this the next time you are praying, God is interested in you and in what is happening to you.  None of it is too small for God.  For he cares for us, and for our prayers.

Sunday, 8th Nov, 2020

My earliest political memory is of being in primary school and sending a card to a classmate who was away ill for a month.  To cheer him up I included the biggest joke of the year, “What goes up and never comes down? Muldoon’s prices!”.  The tragedy for me was that the 1984 snap election then took place with Muldoon losing, so by the time my friend returned to school he told me that my joke was all wrong and that it should have said “Lange’s prices”.   Such was my introduction to the vagaries of politics.

This last month has been something of a festival for political junkies with first our own election and referenda and then, this past week, elections in the United States.  Of course, like a World Cup final, the nature of elections is to have winners and losers and so some of us will have been delighted by the results of our own ballot and others of us will be counting the years to the next vote and a chance to try again.  The elections in America are more distant but, this year in particular, I think we have all been keenly interested and might even have had our own (sometimes strong) views about who should win or lose. 

Is there any guide for Christians when thinking about politics?  Can we claim that God is on one side or another?  In the past I have heard preachers claim exactly that - unfortunately they don’t always pick the same side!  

This year I have been reminded that a lot of what Jesus spoke about is very relevant to the political season, especially perhaps in countries where the divisions are the greatest.  What am I thinking of?  Teachings like, “love your enemies” or “bless those who curse you, bless and do not curse” and even “turn the other cheek”.  I am not suggesting that as Christians we shouldn’t be interested or involved in politics, nor am I saying that we shouldn’t campaign and advocate for those ideas, policies or values that we believe in.  Quite the contrary, I believe that part of our call as Christians is to be active in the public space - to use the opportunity we have as citizens of a democracy to influence our nation.

Politics matters, as do elections.  But the Kingdom of Heaven is much bigger than who sits in the Beehive (or the White House) for the next term.  In a world where politics is about winners over losers, which (in some countries at least) sees political differences as grounds for division and hostility, we should remind ourselves that for Jesus the priority was not to beat our opponents but to love them.  For in doing so we testify to the power of the Gospel to transform our world.